

Information about a gift card activation to be confirmed.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this advice, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
requestId string required The UUID identifying the request that this advice relates to
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required The unaltered thirdPartyIdentifiers array as supplied in the related BasicResponse message. Required if thirdPartyIdentifiers field was present in the BasicResponse. If no thirdPartyIdentifiers was received in the BasicResponse or no BasicResponse was received then this should be set to the thirdPartyIdentifiers sent in the original request.
tenders array[Tender] required An array of tenders used to pay for the transaction


Information about the gift card activation.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this transaction, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
originator Originator required Data relating to the originator of the transaction
client Institution required Data relating to the sender of Transaction.
settlementEntity Institution optional Data relating to the entity with whom the Merchant will settle the transaction.
receiver Institution optional Data relating to the entity which ultimately processes the request.
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required An array of identifiers which each identify the transaction within each entity’s system.
slipData SlipData optional Text to be printed on the customer receipt.
amounts GiftcardAmounts optional Specifies an amount which should be loaded onto the card as part of the activation.
card Card required Information about the gift card being activated.
posInfo PosInfo optional Information about the POS.
product Product required Information about the gift card product being activated.


Information about the result of processing the card activation.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this transaction, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
originator Originator required Data relating to the originator of the transaction
client Institution required Data relating to the sender of Transaction.
settlementEntity Institution optional Data relating to the entity with whom the Merchant will settle the transaction.
receiver Institution optional Data relating to the entity which ultimately processes the request.
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required An array of identifiers which each identify the transaction within each entity’s system.
slipData SlipData optional Text to be printed on the customer receipt.
amounts GiftcardAmounts optional Indicates the amount which was requested to be loaded onto the card during activation, the amount which was loaded and the balance of the gift card after activation.
card Card required Information about the gift card being activated.
posInfo PosInfo optional Information about the POS.
product Product required Information about the gift card product being activated.


Information about a gift card activation to be reversed.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this advice, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
requestId string required The UUID identifying the request that this advice relates to
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required The unaltered thirdPartyIdentifiers array as supplied in the related BasicResponse message. Required if thirdPartyIdentifiers field was present in the BasicResponse. If no thirdPartyIdentifiers was received in the BasicResponse or no BasicResponse was received then this should be set to the thirdPartyIdentifiers sent in the original request.
reversalReason string required [TIMEOUT, CANCELLED, RESPONSE_NOT_FINAL] The reason for the reversal


Basic advice response information.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this advice, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
requestId string required The UUID identifying the request that this advice relates to
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required The unaltered thirdPartyIdentifiers array as supplied in the related BasicResponse message. Required if thirdPartyIdentifiers field was present in the BasicResponse. If no thirdPartyIdentifiers was received in the BasicResponse or no BasicResponse was received then this should be set to the thirdPartyIdentifiers sent in the original request.


Information about the items paid for using the gift card.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
basketId string required pattern:[0-9A-Za-z]{1,20}
An identifier for the collection of items being paid for.
items array[Item] required The items being purchased.


Information about a gift card; its number, expiry date and optionally the PIN either unencrypted or encrypted.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
pan string required pattern:[0-9]{1,19}
Primary account number that uniquely identifies this card.
expiryDate string required pattern:[0-9]{4}
The card expiry date, in YYMM format.
clearPin string optional The pin number associated with the card unencrypted.
encryptedPin string optional pattern:[0-9ABCDEF]+
The encrypted pin number associated with the card in HEX format.


Data about a card stored on the Test Server.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
card Card required Card data.
balance LedgerAmount required The balance of the card.
status string required [NEW, ACTIVATED, ACTIVATED_CONFIRMED, VOIDED, VOIDED_CONFIRMED] The status of the card.
product Product optional Product data associated with the card. Only relevant if the card is activated.


A response to a request to obtain test data from the Test Server.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
cards array[CardData] required The cards configured on the Test Server.
products array[ProductData] required The products configured on the Test Server.


Represents the outcome of a completed transaction

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
errorMessage string required maxLength:20
A short description of the error
detailMessage object optional A free form detailed description of a particular failure condition may optionally be supplied
id string required The UUID of the message for which the error occurred.
originalId string optional The UUID of the original request message int he case of an error occurring for an advice message.


Amounts which make up the transaction. Absent amounts have zero value.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
requestAmount LedgerAmount optional The transaction amount requested by the customer to be authorised or approved. This is the total amount the customer wishes to pay for a service or virtual product.
approvedAmount LedgerAmount optional The transaction amount which was approved by the upstream entity.
feeAmount LedgerAmount optional Fees charged by the upstream entity for processing the transaction.
balanceAmount LedgerAmount optional The remaining balance on the customer’s account.
availableBalance LedgerAmount optional The funds currently available on the card which may be redeemed. This field should not include loads which must still be finalised.


Originating, acquiring, processing, or receiving institution details

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required pattern:[0-9]{1,11}
The institution’s id as assigned by Electrum
name string required maxLength:40
The institutions’s name


A unique product and quantity thereof which is part of a customer's basket. This should not be confused with the Product model which describes a gift card product sold by retailers.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
productId string optional pattern:[0-9A-Za-z]{1,20}
An identifier for the product such as a barcode.
productName string optional pattern:[0-9A-Za-z]{1,50}
The name of the product.
productType string optional pattern:[0-9A-Za-z]{1,30}
The type of the product e.g. food, clothing etc.
quantity number optional format:float
The number of units of product bought. This could be whole units if suitable for the product (e.g. tins of beans) or a fractional value in the case of a volume or mass value.
unit string optional [UNIT, LITRE, KILOGRAM] The unit the quantity is measured in.


An amount object only containing value and currency, and optionally an indicator of DEBIT/CREDIT

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
amount integer required format:int64
Amount in minor denomination, e.g. R799.95 is encoded as 79995
currency string required pattern:[0-9]{3}
Three digit currency number from ISO 4217, e.g. South African Rand is encoded as 710
ledgerIndicator string optional [DEBIT, CREDIT] Indicates whether this amount is a debit or a credit. Only required when the amount can be either a debit or a credit


Information about a gift card load to be confirmed.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this advice, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
requestId string required The UUID identifying the request that this advice relates to
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required The unaltered thirdPartyIdentifiers array as supplied in the related BasicResponse message. Required if thirdPartyIdentifiers field was present in the BasicResponse. If no thirdPartyIdentifiers was received in the BasicResponse or no BasicResponse was received then this should be set to the thirdPartyIdentifiers sent in the original request.
tenders array[Tender] required An array of tenders used to pay for the transaction


Information about the load being made on the gift card.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this transaction, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
originator Originator required Data relating to the originator of the transaction
client Institution required Data relating to the sender of Transaction.
settlementEntity Institution optional Data relating to the entity with whom the Merchant will settle the transaction.
receiver Institution optional Data relating to the entity which ultimately processes the request.
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required An array of identifiers which each identify the transaction within each entity’s system.
slipData SlipData optional Text to be printed on the customer receipt.
amounts GiftcardAmounts required Specifies an amount which should be loaded onto the card.
card Card required Information about the gift card being loaded.
posInfo PosInfo optional Information about the POS.
product Product optional Information about the gift card product being loaded.


Information about the load made on the gift card.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this transaction, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
originator Originator required Data relating to the originator of the transaction
client Institution required Data relating to the sender of Transaction.
settlementEntity Institution optional Data relating to the entity with whom the Merchant will settle the transaction.
receiver Institution optional Data relating to the entity which ultimately processes the request.
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required An array of identifiers which each identify the transaction within each entity’s system.
slipData SlipData optional Text to be printed on the customer receipt.
amounts GiftcardAmounts required Indicates the amount which was requested to be loaded onto the card, the amount which was loaded and the balance of the gift card after the load.
card Card required Information about the gift card being loaded.
posInfo PosInfo optional Information about the POS.
product Product optional Information about the gift card product being loaded.


Information about the gift card load being reversed.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this advice, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
requestId string required The UUID identifying the request that this advice relates to
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required The unaltered thirdPartyIdentifiers array as supplied in the related BasicResponse message. Required if thirdPartyIdentifiers field was present in the BasicResponse. If no thirdPartyIdentifiers was received in the BasicResponse or no BasicResponse was received then this should be set to the thirdPartyIdentifiers sent in the original request.
reversalReason string required [TIMEOUT, CANCELLED, RESPONSE_NOT_FINAL] The reason for the reversal


Information about a gift card to be retrieved.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this transaction, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
originator Originator required Data relating to the originator of the transaction
client Institution required Data relating to the sender of Transaction.
settlementEntity Institution optional Data relating to the entity with whom the Merchant will settle the transaction.
receiver Institution optional Data relating to the entity which ultimately processes the request.
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required An array of identifiers which each identify the transaction within each entity’s system.
slipData SlipData optional Text to be printed on the customer receipt.
card Card required Information about the gift card being retrieved.
posInfo PosInfo optional Information about the POS which captured the card details.


Information about the result of processing the gift card lookup request.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this transaction, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
originator Originator required Data relating to the originator of the transaction
client Institution required Data relating to the sender of Transaction.
settlementEntity Institution optional Data relating to the entity with whom the Merchant will settle the transaction.
receiver Institution optional Data relating to the entity which ultimately processes the request.
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required An array of identifiers which each identify the transaction within each entity’s system.
slipData SlipData optional Text to be printed on the customer receipt.
amounts GiftcardAmounts required Indicates the balance of the gift card at the time of the request.
card Card required Information about the gift card for which information is being requested.
posInfo PosInfo required Information about how card details were captured at the POS.
product Product optional Information about the product associated with the gift card if the gift card has been activated.


Merchant related data. Must be included if available

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
merchantType string required pattern:[0-9]{4}
The assigned four digit merchant category code
merchantId string required maxLength:15
The assigned merchant identifier. Also known as card acceptor id
merchantName MerchantName required The name of a merchant


A container object representing the Merchant Name and Location

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
name string required maxLength:23
The merchant or trading as name associated with the merchant
city string required maxLength:13
The city where the merchant is located
region string required maxLength:2
The state or region where the merchant is located
country string required maxLength:2
The country where the merchant is located


The Originator object encapsulates data relating to the originator of the transaction

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
institution Institution required The institution originating the request, as issued by Electrum
terminalId string required pattern:[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}
The ID that uniquely identifies each device or system in an originator’s institution capable of sending requests. Required for transactions initiated from physical card entry or point-of-sale devices
merchant Merchant required Merchant data. Required if available


Describes how the PAN and PIN were captured by the POS.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
pinEntryCapability string required [UNKNOWN, CAN_ACCEPT, CANNOT_ACCEPT] Describes whether the PIN can be entered.


POS related data.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
entryMode PosEntryMode optional Describes the manner in which the POS captured card and PIN data.


Product related data. This is the description of the gift card sold as a product at a retailer. This should not be confused with the products which form Items in a Basket.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required pattern:[0-9A-Za-z]{1,100}
An identifier of the product which the gift card pertains to. This code is sent by the originator and allows the receiver to identify the gift card product
barcode string optional pattern:[0-9A-Za-z]{1,13}
A barcode code identifying the product the gift card pertains to.
type string optional pattern:[0-9A-Za-z]{1,20}
An indication of the type of product offered through the gift card.


Data about a product stored on the Test Server.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
product Product required Product data.
startingBalance LedgerAmount required The starting balance of cards activated against the product.


Information about a gift card redemption to be confirmed.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this advice, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
requestId string required The UUID identifying the request that this advice relates to
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required The unaltered thirdPartyIdentifiers array as supplied in the related BasicResponse message. Required if thirdPartyIdentifiers field was present in the BasicResponse. If no thirdPartyIdentifiers was received in the BasicResponse or no BasicResponse was received then this should be set to the thirdPartyIdentifiers sent in the original request.


Information about the redemption being made on the gift card.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this transaction, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
originator Originator required Data relating to the originator of the transaction
client Institution required Data relating to the sender of Transaction.
settlementEntity Institution optional Data relating to the entity with whom the Merchant will settle the transaction.
receiver Institution optional Data relating to the entity which ultimately processes the request.
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required An array of identifiers which each identify the transaction within each entity’s system.
slipData SlipData optional Text to be printed on the customer receipt.
amounts GiftcardAmounts required Specifies the amount which the gift card is being redeemed against.
card Card required Information about the gift card being used for redemption.
posInfo PosInfo optional Information about the POS.
product Product optional Information about the gift card product being used for redemption.
basket Basket optional The collection of products for which the gift card is being redeemed.


Information about the redemption made on the gift card.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this transaction, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
originator Originator required Data relating to the originator of the transaction
client Institution required Data relating to the sender of Transaction.
settlementEntity Institution optional Data relating to the entity with whom the Merchant will settle the transaction.
receiver Institution optional Data relating to the entity which ultimately processes the request.
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required An array of identifiers which each identify the transaction within each entity’s system.
slipData SlipData optional Text to be printed on the customer receipt.
amounts GiftcardAmounts optional Indicates the amount which the gift card was being redeemed for, the amount which was redeemed and the balance of the gift card after redemption.
card Card required Information about the gift card being redeemed.
posInfo PosInfo optional Information about the POS.
product Product optional Information about the gift card product being redeemed.
basket Basket optional The collection of products for which the gift card is being redeemed.


Information about the gift card redemption being reversed.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this advice, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
requestId string required The UUID identifying the request that this advice relates to
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required The unaltered thirdPartyIdentifiers array as supplied in the related BasicResponse message. Required if thirdPartyIdentifiers field was present in the BasicResponse. If no thirdPartyIdentifiers was received in the BasicResponse or no BasicResponse was received then this should be set to the thirdPartyIdentifiers sent in the original request.
reversalReason string required [TIMEOUT, CANCELLED, RESPONSE_NOT_FINAL] The reason for the reversal


A request to reset user data in the Test Server.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
userDataWillBeLost string required [TRUE, FALSE] An acknowledgement that all user data will be lost.
resetUserData string required [TRUE, FALSE] A declaration to reset user data.


The outcome of the reset request.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
outcome string required [EMPTY_REQUEST, SUCCESSFUL, NO_ACK, NO_DEC, SERVER_ERROR, UNKNOWN_USER] The outcome of the reset request.


Data that may be printed on the customer slip for information purposes

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
messageLines array[SlipLine] optional An array of text lines and optional formatting to be printed on the customer slip.
slipWidth integer optional format:int32
The width of the slip in normal (unformatted) characters.


A line of text to be printed on the till slip

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
text string required Text contained on the line
fontWidthScaleFactor number optional format:double
Scale factor for font width. Assume 1.0 (i.e. normal size) if not present.
fontHeightScaleFactor number optional format:double
Scale factor for font height. Assume 1.0 (i.e. normal size) if not present.
line boolean optional Denotes a solid line on the slip. Assume false if not present.
cut boolean optional Indicates the slip should be cut at this line. Assume false if not present.


Details of the Tender used by a customer towards a payment

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
amount LedgerAmount required The tendered amount
cardNumber string optional pattern:[0-9]{6}[0-9*]{0,13}
A PCI compliant masked card number, with at least the first 6 digits in the clear. Only applicable to card based transactions
reference string optional maxLength:40
A free text reference
tenderType string required [CASH, CHEQUE, CREDIT_CARD, DEBIT_CARD, WALLET, ROUNDING, GIFT_CARD, LOYALTY_CARD, OTHER] The type of tender used


An identifier assigned by an entity which process the message. Identifiers are keyed by institution ID thereby enabling any institution to recall a transaction within the entity's own system using the entity's own identifier. Entity's must not alter the identifier set by another entity. Once an identifier has been set by an entity, all other entity's must send that identifier in subsequent messages.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
institutionId string required pattern:[0-9]{1,11}
The entity’s institution’s ID as assigned by Electrum.
transactionIdentifier string required The identifier assigned to this transaction by the institution represented in institutionId. This value should be unique within the institution’s system.


Information about a gift card void to be confirmed.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this advice, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
requestId string required The UUID identifying the request that this advice relates to
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required The unaltered thirdPartyIdentifiers array as supplied in the related BasicResponse message. Required if thirdPartyIdentifiers field was present in the BasicResponse. If no thirdPartyIdentifiers was received in the BasicResponse or no BasicResponse was received then this should be set to the thirdPartyIdentifiers sent in the original request.


Information about the void of the gift card.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this transaction, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
originator Originator required Data relating to the originator of the transaction
client Institution required Data relating to the sender of Transaction.
settlementEntity Institution optional Data relating to the entity with whom the Merchant will settle the transaction.
receiver Institution optional Data relating to the entity which ultimately processes the request.
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required An array of identifiers which each identify the transaction within each entity’s system.
slipData SlipData optional Text to be printed on the customer receipt.
card Card required Information about the gift card being voided.
posInfo PosInfo optional Information about the POS.
product Product optional Information about the gift card product being voided.


Information about the outcome of voiding process.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this transaction, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
originator Originator required Data relating to the originator of the transaction
client Institution required Data relating to the sender of Transaction.
settlementEntity Institution optional Data relating to the entity with whom the Merchant will settle the transaction.
receiver Institution optional Data relating to the entity which ultimately processes the request.
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required An array of identifiers which each identify the transaction within each entity’s system.
slipData SlipData optional Text to be printed on the customer receipt.
amounts GiftcardAmounts optional Specifies the balance of the gift card when it was voided.
card Card required Information about the gift card being voided.
posInfo PosInfo optional Information about the POS.
product Product optional Information about the gift card product being voided.


Information about the gift card void being reversed.

Name Type Required Default Restrictions Description
id string required The randomly generated UUID identifying this advice, as defined for a variant 4 UUID in RFC 4122
requestId string required The UUID identifying the request that this advice relates to
time string required format:date-time
The date and time of the message as recorded by the sender. The format shall be as defined for date-time in RFC 3339 section 5.6. It is recommended that the optional time-secfrac be included up to millisecond precision
thirdPartyIdentifiers array[ThirdPartyIdentifier] required The unaltered thirdPartyIdentifiers array as supplied in the related BasicResponse message. Required if thirdPartyIdentifiers field was present in the BasicResponse. If no thirdPartyIdentifiers was received in the BasicResponse or no BasicResponse was received then this should be set to the thirdPartyIdentifiers sent in the original request.
reversalReason string required [TIMEOUT, CANCELLED, RESPONSE_NOT_FINAL] The reason for the reversal